Gunnison County COVID-19 Update

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Gunnison County Release March 6: The coronavirus known as COVID-19 that originated in China has made its way across the globe to the US and we are seeing many cases in the States now. As of March 5th, Colorado has 2 confirmed cases, neither of which is in Gunnison County. The virus is expected to cause mild illness for 80% of those that get infected. Individuals over 80 years of age or with chronic health conditions are at a higher risk for complications from the viral infection. In an effort to limit exposure in waiting rooms, we encourage people to call their medical provider and/or the hospital before going in if they have symptoms. It is important to remember that viruses do not target one race or ethnic group over another.

At the County we are monitoring the outbreak and working directly with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). We are collaborating with local health care providers for any patient or provider concerns and testing. We will remain vigilant to monitor for the COVID-19 virus.
Individuals can assist in limiting the spread of COVID-19 by washing their hands with soap and water, covering their coughs and sneezes, and remaining away from others if they are sick with cold like symptoms. In addition, individuals can avoid others that are presenting symptoms by standing at least 3 feet away and avoiding close contact. Please keep in mind, that everyone who gets exposed will not get significant symptoms. For some, it will be similar to a cold from rhinovirus or another common cause. For others, they may have more symptoms including fever and shortness of breath. For the minority of individuals that are the highest risk due to advanced age (over 80 years of age) or have chronic health conditions they could have more severe complications.

For the most up to date information CO-Help is available to answer questions by calling (303) 389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911 or by email at Responses can be provided in several languages including English, Spanish, and Mandarin. We have created a County webpage ( that will be updated with information as it becomes available.

Public health and safety is our number one priority and we are working diligently on this rapidly evolving situation.