To access Audiology Services at Gunnison Valley Health, use the South Main entrance.
Visiting Clinic: Western Colorado Hearing & Balance
Western Colorado Hearing & Balance provides audiology services to the Gunnison Valley community. Their audiologists diagnose, treat, and manage individuals with hearing loss and hearing disorders for patients from birth through adulthood. They determine appropriate patient treatment of hearing loss and hearing disorders by combining a complete medical and social history, innovative and specialized audiological assessments, with the latest in audiological research and technology. Based on the evaluation and diagnosis, affordable and realistic treatment options are recommended for each patient with hearing loss or a hearing disorder with a focus on Aural Rehabilitation.
Western Colorado Hearing & Balance provide the following services:
- Comprehensive and Diagnostic Hearing Examinations
- Hearing and Communication Needs Assessments
- Aural Rehabilitation
- Hearing Aid repairs and Fittings
- Sound Sensitivity and Misophonia Evaluations and Treatment
- Hearing Aid repairs and Fittings
- Comprehensive Balance and Dizziness Examinations
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Concussion Assessments
- Industrial Screenings
- CDOT License evaluations
- Custom Hearing Protection
- Custom Musicians Plugs
To schedule your hearing evaluation with Western Colorado Hearing &
Balance, call:
(970) 549-4660.
For more information visit their website -