To Do List before Discharge from Hospital
- Birth Certificate Worksheets
- Newspaper Announcements
- Newborn Hearing Test
- Newborn Genetic Screen
- CCHD (Critical Congenital Heart Disease) Test
- Hepatitis B Vaccine and Consent
- CPR video (approx. 20 minutes)
Medications after discharge may include:
- Ibuprofen - mild/moderate pain
- Tylenol - mild/moderate pain
- Prenatal vitamins - if you are breastfeeding
- Iron - if you are anemic (low red blood cells)
- Colace - stool softener
- Milk of Magnesia - laxative
- Feeding your baby. Do you feel comfortable breastfeeding/bottle feeding your baby? If you have questions visit: https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/infantandtoddlernutrition/bottle-feeding/index.html
- Returning to work. Do you have questions about your pump? Where to pump? What are the laws in Colorado about pumping at work? Do you know what you plan to do for childcare?
Follow up care
- Newborn - typically seen by pediatrician within 7-10 days of discharge
- Mother - typically seen by obstetrician within 6-8 weeks of discharge
- Plan to follow up with our Certified Lactation Consultant at the hospital within 1-2 days of discharge for newborn weight, bilirubin, and feeding assessment.
Car Seat (Colorado's Child Restraint Law)
- Infants are required to ride in the back seat in a rear-facing child safety seat until their first birthday and 20 pounds.
- We encourage you to contact the police department to schedule a time to meet with one of the officers certified in child car seat installation. They can install your newborn's car seat and answer questions, giving you peace of mind. 1-970-641-8201
Birth Certificate Information
Dear Parents:
Welcome and congratulations!
Over the next couple of days, you will be asked to fill out the paperwork for your infant's Birth Certificate. We ask that you read the questions carefully and review your completed form for accuracy.
Helpful Birth Certificate Information
Your child’s legal birth certificate can be obtained through the Gunnison County Public Health Office (GCPH), 225 Pine Street, Gunnison, Colorado. The GCPH office produces the legal birth certificates at 2:00 pm daily. Please call ahead if you have any questions about requesting the birth certificate prior to going in at 970-641-0209. There will be a form you must complete through the GCPH as well as presenting identification, upon obtaining the birth certificate. There is a $20.00 fee for the first birth certificate, additional copies are $13.00. You may also order online at www.colorado.gov/cdphe. The legal birth certificate will be ready for pickup approximately one week after discharge from GVH. Please let the Gunnison Valley Health medical records know if you need it sooner.
Colorado Family and Medical Leave Act (FAMLI). Let the Gunnison Valley Health medical records department know if you need to obtain hospital information/medical records to facilitate the process.
Are you moving/ changing your mailing address or planning to in the next 2 months? Your child's social security card will automatically be mailed to you at the mailing address you provide on the verification of birth worksheet. The social security card can take up to 8 weeks (about 2 months) to arrive at your mailing address you have provided. Social security cards are NOT forwarded with a change of address. If you know your future mailing address this will be needed for the birth certificate information, so you can receive your child’s social security card.
Complimentary GVH birth certificates will be mailed to your mailing address, please allow 4-6 weeks to receive the complimentary certificate.
Contact the Gunnison Valley Health medical records department with any questions regarding the birth certificate process.
Insurance Information for Baby
Now that you have a beautiful new baby, don’t forget to call your insurance company to let them know within the first of the month. Information they will need from you:
- Your name and ID #
- Baby’s name
- Baby’s birth day and time
- If you had a boy or girl
When you receive your bill in the mail be sure to analyze what services you were billed for and be sure you are paying the correct percentage based on your insurance.
Birth Experience Family Birth Center
My birth experience was incredible.
-Submitted by Anonymous -
Allowing Mom and Baby to Bond Family Birth Center
I appreciate you allowing the mom and baby bond just after birth. It is so important because we don't get that time back.
-Submitted by Anonymous